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Insights Discovery Programme

The Insights Discovery product is suitable for all levels and gives learners the foundation of self-awareness they’ll need to be successful at whatever they do - whether that’s developing themselves, working as part of an effective team, or leading others with authenticity.

Through Insights Discovery, individuals will gain a common language that has wide-ranging benefits, including connecting colleagues across geographical and cultural boundaries, and providing a safe platform for feedback conversations.



  • Insights Discovery helps people understand themselves and their colleagues so that they can have more respectful, productive and positive working relationships, even across virtual boundaries

  • Individuals understand their own and others’ communication preferences

  • They can connect better with their colleagues to improve collaboration

  • They have a common language to help them overcome challenges and conflict.


An Introduction to Insights Discovery

A one day workshop which focuses on understanding the communication preferences of yourself and others. The second part of the workshop is based around your Insights Discovery Profile which you will complete prior to the training.

Improving team productivity

Used in conjunction with our teamwork programmes, Insights Discovery tackles collaboration, communication and working relationships.


Increasing personal effectiveness

Used as part of a one-to-one coaching programme, Insights Discovery can help people create a tailor-made development plan.

Boosting sales performance

By looking at the effectiveness of your sales people at each stage of the sales cycle, we create strategies to improve customer relationships and smash targets.

Organisation performance and culture reviews
  • Create your own culture dashboards and identify your areas for strategic improvement. The culture dashboard provides organisations with the opportunity to understand the profile and efficiency of their workforce e.g. gender, starters, leavers, cost of staff absence and internal promotion. The dashboard can be adapted to the focus areas and needs of the organisation. Bullet point not separate)

  • Gen Z recruitment and retention (January 2025) - Gen Z have a very different outlook on life and want different things from their employers. The concept of one lifetime career has almost disappeared and as a first employer it is essential that you understand and develop the skills for a lifetime of work as opposed to ‘this job’.

  • Audit the efficiency and effectiveness of your organisation to understand better the areas for development. Follow up workshops will help you to discuss and identify the strategic actions required to move your organisation forward.

  • Is your organisation part of an external review programme eg Ofsted? Book some time with me to explore the Inspection Framework  in depth and create an action plan for your period of preparation. 100% success rate of achieving good or better as a final outcome.

  • Insights Discovery Progamme - see Insights Discovery section

​​Leadership and Management Skills Development
  • 1 to 1 Coaching

  • UDEI Leadership and Management Skills Development Programme This programme consists of four modules: Understanding, Development, Empowering and Influencing. Each module has been designed to provide clients with the necessary knowledge and skills to feel more confident and therefore be more efficient in their roles.

  • Insights Discovery Programme (see Insights Discovery Programme)

  • Becoming an effective coach These workshops provide clients with the opportunity to understand and explore the different coaching methodologies and how they might use this leadership style in their own workplace.

Professional Development Opportunities

Howe To Consultancy run a series of workshops throughout the year. Each workshop has been designed to maximise the opportunity for reflection, increase knowledge and improve confidence levels of all participants. Through collaborative, active and innovative activities attendees will enjoy these opportunities to develop themselves in a safe and supportive environment.


Coming soon:

  • Coaching: a tool for sustained improvement

  • UDEI Leadership and management skills programme

  • An introduction to Insights Discovery

  • Leading organisational change: based upon  McKinsey’s 7S Change Model 

  • Everyone is a teacher and leader of SEND

  • Equity, diversity and inclusion: what we know, do and need


Look for more information on our LinkedIn page here.

Trustee and Executive training
  • Reviewing and creating your vision and strategic objectives: Is it time for you to review your underpinning vision?This workshop will provide the leaders of your organisation to reflect on the successes and identify the way forward, including:

  • Statutory duties and practice

  • 1 to 1 coaching for the Chair of Trustees

  • 1 to 1 coaching for Executive Leaders

  • Preparing for Ofsted: Is your organisation part of an external Ofsted review programme? Book some time with me to explore the Inspection Framework  in depth and create an action plan for your period of preparation. 




You can fill in a contact form below to ask us anything you like. We'll try to get back to you within 24 hours.


Sometimes it's good to talk. You can call us on 07957 463581 anytime and if we're unavailable please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


We are based in Leighton Buzzard in the United Kingdom. But don't worry, we have customers up and down the country - location is not a boundary.


LinkedIn is a social network that focuses on professional networking and career development. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to join us online.

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